Sunday, 16 October 2016

6 Months Anniversary Giveaway

Hiii Guys...
Today I am so so happy.... feel like flying high in ths sky...
Because my blog completed 6 months on 9th Oct....

I know i am late, but this is because I was hooked up in some personal and festive works...
But lets not delay this any more..

My blog completed 6 months which I never expected.
When I started my blog, I was very confused if you guys will like my work, if you will support me and if my plan of starting a blog will be successful.
Today, there is no more confusions in my mind.
I am really loving this journey.

All Thanks to you guys for supporting me and being with me always.
and to thank you all here I am with a new giveaway.

There will be 2 winners who will win exciting hamper contaning makeup, skin care products and jewelries.

1st prize Hamper:

2nd prize Hamper:

This time I am hosting a rafflecopter giveaway so that it becomes easy for u guys to participate and easy for me too to track all details.

Here are some of the other details:
1) This giveaway is open only to Indian residents.
2) This is not a sponsored giveaway.
3) Giveaway will end on 6th nov, That is my
4) Winner will be announced soon after that.
5) Winners will have to respond within 48 hours else different winners will be selected.
6) People who unfollow after results will be banned from all future giveaways.
7) other than rafflecopter entries, all extra efforts will be considered.

So don't miss it guys and join in now..
Lets make this giveaway a huge celebration and success

Once again Thanks a lot to all of you for being their with me in my journey of blogging.



  1. Replies
    1. Do join in...
      And invite your friends too..
      As all extra efforts will be counted..
      thanks and all the best...

  2. Hi Ankita , Congratulations for completing 6 months of blogging :-) May many more .What i liked about your blog is reviews of some newly launched products like Yuana Oil etc .Would love to win this giveaway as winning gives lots of happiness and want to win some good make up and skin care from your Giveaway and be a part of your celebration :-)

  3. dn all steps hope u notices team

    1. Hii reema,
      You havent commented what was asked to do so.
      Dont miss it as it is a mandatory step.
      All The best..

  4. congratulation πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚ for completing 6 months.. 😘😘😘😘

  5. Hi Ankita ! I have been reading your blogs from really long the thing that I like about your posts is the simplicity ❀ and your posts have their own uniqueness !!
    I would like to congratulate you on this achievement .
    This seems to be an amazing giveaway and that's why I would love to win it
    Would give my best to win
    Facebook Ankita Choudhary
    Twitter ankitaangel123
    On Instagram ankitachoudhary123

  6. Your blog is simple and elegant. I love to read your tp the point matter. You never add any glottera in your writeups.
    Very frankly speaking last time my luck was not with, I was ledt out because of that random selection. But I really want to win

  7. Many many congratulations for completing 6 months of blogging.. β€πŸŽŠπŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‰βœ¨πŸŽ‚

  8. Your blog is sweet, simple but amazing.. I really like your blog. Everyone wants to win giveaways and me too.. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ done with all steps..

  9. So thiss is awsmmm bczz running a blog is not an easy job and a biggg congrtzz for completing 6 monthssss..Hope ur blog gets alllot of success😊😊.Entered followed all the ruless 😊

  10. I like your honest reviews and I would love to win this lovely giveaway because its an all-in-one package comprising of jewellery, skincare and makeup products! My cousin's wedding is during Diwali so I would get to flaunt the jewellery and become the cynosure of all eyes as my skin will glow bcoz of the skincare and makeup products that I'll use if I win!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Facebook- Kashifah Shaikh
    Twitter- @shaikh_kashifah
    Insta id- kashifah0293
    Email id-
    Google plus- Kashifah Shaikh

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. You are an amazing person and your wordrobe is simply awesome saw your pics in shoppperstop contest coming to your blog love the way you review we the product my favourite blog post is patanjali product review .

    It's our duty to give you a gift on your birthday but in the contrary you are giving us gifts . Love this gesture .

  15. Replies
    1. Do enter and invite your friends too as all extra efforts will be counted...
      Thank you and all the best.

  16. Congratulations on 6 months of blogging :) . way to go girl :)
    Thank you for a lovely giveaway :) followed all the rules :) Wish to get lucky :)
    insta id : @beautylearnings
    Twitter : @tfcgakira
    Facebook : Akira S

    1. Hi Akira,
      I guess you have missed out the comment part.
      Please make sure you do that as it is a mandatory step.
      Thank you and all the best.

  17. congrats for your success. All the best for your future endevours ☺

  18. Replies
    1. Do join in... and start inviting your friends too..
      as all extra efforts will be counted...
      Thank you and all the best.

  19. Want to win the 1st prize hamper 😍

  20. I've been following your blog and on FB since sometime & like all the looks you present esp. in sarees. Plz switch to contact lenses in some looks as I've already requested this to you :)
    Congratulations for completing 6 months of blogging !!!!
    So happy to be part of your journey <3
    Wish to win this as u have hand chosen these items

  21. Hello Ankita,
    Congratulations for completing 6 months. I love your blog and the crisp detailing and individual attention provided to every product in all your posts. I would like to win the giveaway hamper 1 as it contains many new products which I would love to try on my skin :)

  22. I have participated in the giveaway and followed all the rules. Hope to win this ! I have been reviewing books on my blog since a long time. Now planning to start with product reviews. If I win this, I will surely start with these products. Congratulations. :-) Happy blogging ! :-)

  23. I have participated since day 1 Wish you write more and review more products :) I wish to be lucky for this giveaway :)


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